Tips and Advice for Long Flights
Everyone, at one point or the other, starts disliking flights, when we were kids it was so much fun, but now it looks like the worst few hours we can spend, and on long flights it is almost a catastrophic, spending hours in that very small space, and without much free movement or quality breathing air can make some people really edgy. However there are a few things that you can do to try and combat these long hour flights, and the boredom that comes with them, as well as take care of yourself while flying, here are a few things we thought can help.
Before the Flight
Pack early! Prepare everything days before your flight. Determine early the things you should place into your hand carry. To avoid trouble at the airport and eventually may cause you the flight, do not bring any sharp objects.
Bring personal things you need on-flight such as all your toiletries and medications. Bring toothbrush and toothpaste. Bring inflatable headrest to keep your head wilting from your seat once you decide to go to sleep.
Bring sweaters and long trousers since most planes have cold air-conditioning.
Bring earplugs and sleep mask (or something you can place over your eyes).
Get enough rest. Sleep early. If you are flying for the first time, do not get too excited and excuse yourself from resting a day before the flight.
Leave early from your house. Airlines would normally ask you to arrive 2 hours before the flight. This will give you enough time to find your terminal, check in, and leave your luggage. Passport, airport check, and security check may take too long. Make use of the time to get through all these procedure.
Also, international flights are often overbooked so it is hard to get into the next flight once you missed your original flight. Listen to announcements intently and look for computer monitors. There are instances wherein flight times and gate assignments change especially at large and busy airports.
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