What Jet Setters Should Know about Travel Insurance
ompanies contend that consumers are not reading or comprehending the terms of travel coverage. As a result, tens of hundreds of claims are denied.To demystify the misconceptions on travel insurance it is important to understand that all insurance policies cover ‘unforeseen” circumstances. However, once an ‘unforeseen” event transpires, insurance companies no longer consider the “freak tragedy” or incident unsuspected. Here’s a perfect example, post-9/11, insurance companies covered the cost of an airplane propelling its force through the World Trade Center (Twin Towers). But now that terrorism is a fundamental possibility, some insurance companies do not cover disasters resulting from terrorist events. Certain insurance companies will not cover airlines, which they deem in financial duress (in example: United Airlines, Delta Airlines, and Northwest Airlines).Whether it’s a honeymoon or vacation, here are a few smart consumer tips provided by ConsumersStrikeBack.com on buying travel insurance:Shop early. Some insurance companies have strict exclusions when a travel insurance policy is purchased in too close proximity of the trip. Be sure to buy a policy within the first 15-days of reserving travel accommodations.
Thoroughly peruse before choosing. Meticulously review the policy to understand what is covered and what is not. For example, certain travel insurance policies cover terrorism and others do not.
Never buy travel insurance following the warning of a pre-tragic, setback or natural disaster. Remember, insurance companies are devised to cover u-n-f-o-r-e-s-e-e-n circumstances. Anything unplanned or unexpected is generally covered. When airlines threaten to go on strike, purchasing travel insurance would prove to be an exercise in financial futility. As soon as a strike date is set, insurance companies can deny the claim for a cancelled trip.Another example is if a traveler has a conference in October in Miami, Florida. During the high hurricane season, traveling to the East Coast and Gulf can be risky because certain insurance agencies may not cover travel impeded by harsh weather conditions.
Refer to travel insurance comparison sites. To compare prices and save research time, use travel insurance comparison sites TripInsuranceStore.com, TotalTravelnsurance.com to review exclusions, inclusions, and costs. Since insurance lingo tends to be misleading, be sure to ask a million questions.
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